Student Life
Welcome to the Student Life page! Here, you'll find essential information to help you and your child navigate their daily experience at Six to Six. From before and after care options to details on student clubs, lunches, transportation, and more, this page serves as a central hub for all aspects of student life. Explore the sub-pages below for specific information:
Before and After Care
Discover our programs designed to provide a safe and engaging environment for students outside of regular school hours.
Student Clubs
Explore the variety of clubs available to students, offering opportunities for them to pursue their interests and develop new skills.
School Lunch
Our school lunches are provided by the Bridgeport Board of Education. Find information on the available lunch options, including menus and dietary considerations.
Discover our programs designed to provide a safe and engaging environment for students outside of regular school hours.
Student Data Privacy
Explore the variety of clubs available to students, offering opportunities for them to pursue their interests and develop new skills.
Supply List
Our school lunches are provided by the Bridgeport Board of Education. Find information on the available lunch options, including menus and dietary considerations.
Library Media Center
Explore the resources available at our Library Media Center, including how to effectively use the library, connect with authors and illustrators, and access award-winning books.